Competent, Affordable Tech ResourcesWe're here to help you - small office owners and workers with no official IT staff at your disposal. Some people call this "outsourced IT services" but we're much more than that. We understand that you have cost constraints and may need to do some of this stuff yourself. You may have someone at your workplace who already knows a good deal about technology, or who can find solutions when you need more functionality or when something's not working. Or maybe you're in the dark, and just clueless about what you really need to cover "the basics" and how to get there. Think of SmallNetworks as your old fashioned local hardware store. You could describe your home repair problem to a very experienced store employee. This person would have been "doing hardware" for years, knows what's important, has likely seen your situation before, and is sensitive to your budget. She may suggest several alternatives depending on how permanently you want your "fix" to last, how pretty you want it to look, or how functional it will be after you're done. Or he'll pick up on the fact that you may have some relevant skills, and make suggestions accordingly. Or, you may just want to walk the aisles, find the shelves containing the stuff you need, and make your own decisions based on what you see there. That's our approach to your technology issues. All small offices have similar basic needs: equipment, Internet access, data protection, and communications. The choices may differ in terms of power, usability, and cost depending on the particular work you do - and the solution you choose will probably also depend on user sophistication and the likely return on investment. We're here to help you find and implement the right technology for your small office. We love the power that today's technology can bring to making your job easier, but we're also aware of the risks in using it. Our goal is to help in your journey toward Tech Nirvana, where you just don't have to worry anymore about stuff not working. We want to help you keep it simple while covering the bases, so you can get on with the your daily business. Since the IBM PC made its debut in 1981, our staff has used, programmed, and interconnected these marvelous machines. We love to keep abreast of the newest developments and help you use the best technology for your situation. |